The Money Revolution

Starling Bank Founder and CEO Anne Boden wrote her first book recently, which launched in the first week of June.

I was responsible for creating the organic social strategy, which included initial book announcements across social channels, writing copy for social posts, ongoing promotion with our audience and the execution across all social channels. I also created key assets used in organic and paid social media for the campaign, which were also used by Anne on her own social channels.

Anne’s book The Money Revolution launched on Amazon and shot to number one rankings across three categories, quickly selling out before getting restocked.

Unless the Photographer otherwise credited, all images taken by myself.




Promotion and Audience Engagement

To promote the book and continually engage our audience I led the content strategy and execution with creative ideas for posts, including book giveaway competitions, polls, and threads with helpful money management tips from Anne’s book.

All traffic from organic social was driven to the book’s landing page on the Starling website, which linked to the publishers page where customers could preorder the book.


Paid Social


This image was used across Instagram and Facebook paid social.


Book Launch

Photographer: Dashti Jafar for all event images above


Anne’s Personal Social


See more from my Social Media portfolio here.